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Dent Island Kusadasi, HEALTH TOURISM




Kusadasi (Bird Island), is set in a superb gulf in the Aegean region of Turkey and is known for its turquoise sparkling water of the Aegean Sea, broad sandy beaches and bright sun. Kusadasi harbor, close to the Greek island of Samos, due to the second major sea port in Turkey for the tourists
coming here. EPHESUS and VIRGIN MARY HOUSE has been instrumental in the development of tourism in the proximity of the town to the outside .The town is only 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Adnan Menderes Airport in Izmir. Numerous holiday villages and hotels line its shores and hundreds of
restaurants serves food from all around the world.


Kusadasi is a real open-air museum. One of the symbols of the town is Pigeon Island(Güvercin ada), is connected to the mainland in the town center with a causeway. Its romantic setting includes a well-maintained flower garden which surrounds the restored 14th-15th century fortress housing a cafeteria.


Kusadasi is one of the safest large resort towns in Turkey. Be it a late night walk through the town or a car left in the street – no need to worry. That is why in the city there are always so many tourists
from Austria, Germany, Great Britain and Sweden. Beaches close to town tend to get quite crowded during summer. If you prefer more serenity, head for Dilek Peninsula National Park, about 28 kilometers (17 miles) from Kusadasi.


Kusadasi is the second Turkish city, after Istanbul, where cruise ships come. You feel a special  editerranean flavor here. This area is a bit like the Italian or the Spanish coast, without, at the same time, losing the eastern exoticism


Lately, many foreigners have bought property in and around Kusadasi for their holidays or for the retirement. It became a popular area especially for the British and Irish nationals.


Also The sights that have historical and tourist values in and around the town are: Panionian Agora, Roman Bath, Ilica Hill, Scala Nova, Pygale, Kadi Castle, Andiz Tower, Neopolis, Aquaducts, Ania, Melia, Kursunlu Monastery, Öküz Mehmet Pasha Caravanserai, The Castle on Pigeon Island, Ramparts surrounding the City, Kusadasi Houses, Kaleici, Mosques, Turkish Baths, Yacht Harbor and Dilek National Park.

Dent Island Kusadasi,



What is Health Tourism?

It Is defined as people preferring to travel different countries to increase their quality of life and to improve their physical or mental health. Health tourism covers both the medical and wellness tourism. This concept covers both wellness tourism and medical tourism, and comprehends those trips aiming to benefit from treatments, therapies or activities that improve and/or maintain health conditions. In this sense, health tourism is a form of tourism that has as a primary motivation the contribution to physical, mental, and spiritual health of individuals through medical and wellness-based activities.

Why you should choose Dental Treatment in Kusadasi ?

1-) The materialas used in cosmetic dentistry treatments in Kusadasi have the same quality as medical materialas used in European countries. Ce or FDA approved medical materialas are used in Kusadasi that are internationally accepted.

2-) Dental treatment services used in Kusadasi have the same quality and standards as European countries, however, these services can be obtained in our country on a more reasonable budget. According to the researches, dental treatment prices in our country are 50% lower than their counterparts abroad. This big difference in prices allows foreign insurance institutions abroad to recommend Kusadasi for treatment.

3-) The tourists who choose Kusadasi for their treatment do not have to wait for weeks to get an appointment and the shortness of the process makes their travel planning easier and makes our country a practical option.

4-) The high transportation options to come to Kusadasi and the low transportation fees are among the advantages of our country in health tourism.

5-) Tourists have the opportunity to see and visit the beauties of the country during their dental treatment with dental tourism.  Kusadasi, with its historical and natural beauties to visit, is a good option to take a holiday besides receiving health services as a country with rich cultural heritage.

6-) The success of Turkish dentists in their fields constitutes one of the most important advantages. Many foreign patients choose Kusadasi in line with these suggestions by hearing about the treatments that people in their immediate surroundings have done in our country and got satisfied.

7-) The materialas and materials used in cosmetic dentistry in Kusadasi are branded. Patients can continue their treatment in their own countries with material reports.


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